Wednesday, June 18, 2008

New Toy

I am not sure what it is, but , Men love big toys and usually they like to get them when they get older. I am no exception. I am getting close to graduation an my mid forties and I decided that now is the time to get my rewards. I just got me a NEW TOY a 1971 VW Karminn Ghia. Many have coined this little machine the slowest sports card ever built. They are right but what it lacks in speed it gained in style and handling. I will soon begin to post pics of this treasure here on my site as I begin healing the wounds that others have inflicted on the is little gem. So that it will look just as it did when it rolled off the line. ( well close anyway) So even though I am older I still need toys to make me happy don't try to figure it out I an just being a guy. Remember this comes from the heart not from the pen.


Luanne said...

Ok Big Bro...that is a HOT car!

dsto said...

ok my wife says this car is HOT, I need to get me one o' them!
Great find. Enjoy it, you desreve it!

Anonymous said...

Sniff, Sniff! Just wish I could at least drive the little thing.